Today I woke up like any other day , with my weird dreams which I don’t know why I see and why they fade up so fast.

I never thought too much about dreams, I see them at night and the next morning they are gone.They’re like people,worry you at the start then push you away and after that they just disappear and leave you with that feeling :”Am I good enough? Have I changed somehow?”.

As days pass I keep getting those worries in my mind.It is all because of the people that I care about , and it’s that I expect that they care too.Then I think they don’t!Because even if I ask them the questions of my head they would respond in a way to make me think that I am okay , like I have always been and they are the best friends that you could never think you would have.

But there are days that I can’t explain how happy and grateful I am for all the things I’ve the privilege to have.It’s like in the summer , when you’re covered in sweat and you wash your face with cold water and suddenly your whole body relaxes.

I don’t want to change,I want to be me but a better version of me.I want to fix my issues , and I know that I’ll always have a lot of them but I intend to be good.All I ask is someone who will support me as I walk in that road, someone who will walk besides me and help me get through the worst days,enjoy the best moments,and always tells me the truth even if that hurts!

I know it is too much to ask.I can never be that important.I sometimes think that the people I love would be better off without me and wouldn’t even realize that I am not there.These are the moments when I feel like I am a different kind of a  dream, because I tell my message and I don’t push people to follow me but then they just forget me.

Although I will keep giving and getting those messages and I won’t give up until one day I find something that will make me happy for my entire life not just one day.That’s what you should do,find a way to happiness and to being the best YOU.Humans, at least the ones who are left , should keep searching to find their own way and to be positive.You can’t expect things to go better when you think worse that is why you should be real and shoot for the best.At least you will win something from it , I tell you!Even a moment of peace and happiness.